Aline Frankfort & Jean-Louis Baudoin
Hain Celestial joue la Créativité (Echo Sept)
Jazz & Management: a new Art of Collaboration
Strategic innovation, Jazz & Mindshifts
Aline Frankfort, Director
A Law Graduate (ULB) and a drawing trainee (La Cambre). A Creativity and Innovation activist since she started her professional career in 1989 in M&A, looking for ways to use the Future as an Innovation driving force.She creates her own creative Thinking and Strategic Innovation consultancy in 1992.Accredited in 1993 as expert in the practice and teaching of the “Six Thinking Hats®” and “Lateral Thinking®”, “State-of-the-Art” methods invented by Dr. Edward de Bono (Medicine, Psychology and Physiology), the world’s highest authority in the field of “Innovative Thinking” and “Serious Creativity®”. She is now Master Trainer in both methods. After her certification, she travels with Dr. de Bono to South Africa and Hong Kong to co-lead seminars on “Serious Creativity in Management” and “Sur/Petition®”.Trained at MIT in their approach to “Transformational Leadership and Deep Change”.Holds an Executive Certificate in “Strategy and Innovation” in from the M.I.T Sloan School of Management (“Business Strategy Reinvention”, “Building, Leading and Sustaining the Innovative organisation”, “Managing and solving complex Business Problems”, “Driving Strategic Innovation”).She has developed a number of approaches and signature products to successfully provoke “Shifts in Minds for Shifts in Action” and has a profound knowledge and practice of those innovative Thinking methods to generate really powerful ideas and to deal systematically, constructively and creatively with issues. She is one oh the co-author of the book “Business Model Generation”, a handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers striving to defy the outmoded business models and design tomorrow’s enterprises.Academic references. Lecturer on “Performance Management” at the Solvay Business School in Brussels (IACE & IADE modules) between 1992 and 2001.Currently invited Lecturer on “Serious Creativity” at ULB’s Faculty of Applied Sciences. Invited lecturer on Creativity and Innovation at the Louvain School of Management , Master in Entrepreneurship.
Jean-Louis Baudoin, Senior Partner
Jean-Louis is in his 7th life! And enjoying it.After early exposure to foreign culture at age 18(South Africa as Rotary Fellow and The United States the same year as American Field Service Exchange Student),Jean-Louis obtained a Doctorate of Law from Liège University.He has been “diagnosed” in a Thesis as “the Third man”, capable of building a bridge between cultures.As a confirmed Jazz Musician (double bass), Jean-Louis has played with people like Toots Thielemans, Nathalie Loriers, Jean-François Prins, Eric Legnini and Félix Simtaine.He has reinvented himself several times to livea very diversified and rich life: International Student Travel Expert, award-winning freelance copywriter and fantastic name finder, design store inventor, expert audiovisual scenario writer, coach in persuasive Presentation Skills and “Toqued” restaurant owner.Jean-Louis has joined forces with Aline in 1992.Along with her, he was trained and certified by Edward de Bono.He is certified by the M.I.T Sloan School of Management in “Reinventing Business Strategy”He also taught Performance Management at Brussels Free University’s Solvay Business School between 1992 and 2001.Training people in conceptual and creative Thinking, Persuasive Presentation Skills and Creative Writing are among Jean-Louis’s favourite activities.He uses his talent in name finding, creative concept articulation to create numerous Visions and ideas. He is currently building a bridge between jazz and Management to stimulate a creative Art of Collaboration.