Archive for June, 2014
EXTRA EXTRA !Fundació per la Creactivació. Bringing creaCtivity and entreprenuership into the classroom. EXTRA EXTRA!
The private Foundation for CreACTivity, based in Catalonia, Spain launched to the world at the IESE business school Barcelona
last year. The MISSION of the Foundation for Creativation is to take action in the field of education to develop and disseminate creativity and channel it toward Innovation with the main goal of “providing new generations with the necessary skills to contribute to the future challenges and change in our society as well as for their own personal fulfillment”. On the anniversary of its first birthday, the Foundation´s President, Josep Lagares appointed Donna Pace as its Ambassador. The other patron carrying the name of the Foundation to the four corner
s of the world, wearing the same “Inventor” bracelet is, Ferrán Adría. A Spanish brand icon, and internationally recognised Michelin star creative expert. He was also Ambassador to the 2009 EU Year of Creativity. The INVENTOR bracelet is on sale. All proceeds go to the project.
Ferran Adriá – SuperCreaActiveStar!
Here is someone who is definitly the premium example of what it means to COOK IDEAS. Ferran Adriá is now onto another new dish, this time its for posterity. Helping him on the project are researchers from MITT, MA. An interview from Forbes magazine
Interview from the Telegraph about why its time to let El Buli go and start something new.
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