Archive for January, 2015

“Value” has different interpretations

Posted by / 17 January, 2015 / Categories: Quotes / -

Einstein Value

Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2015

Posted by / 7 January, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS, Sin categoría / -

Our colleagues at SPRINGWISE have  selected 10 new business ideas that will provide entrepreneurs with

plenty of inspiration in 2015. Spotted from countries all around the world, these businesses offer a taste of what’s

to come in the year ahead.



We hope that you’ll find these concepts as inspiring as we do, and that they spark even more innovation in the year to come!

Google Virtual CellPhone Reality

Posted by / 7 January, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS / -



Google Cardboard has come a long way since Android honcho Sundar Pichaiintroduced it with a sheepish grin six

months ago. The smartphone virtual reality viewer, made from folded-up cardboard with a pair of attached lenses—

you supply an Android phone to provide computing power and a display—has shipped more than 500,000 units as

of early December. (You can build your own Cardboard, or buy a ready-made version from not-quite-official

sources for under $30.) Google has now added a Play Store showcase for the best Cardboard apps, and released a

software development kit to spur even more VR app creation.


For a project that took mere weeks to throw together, Cardboard has done surprisingly well. But its success also puts

it in an awkward position, somewhere between the oddball project that Cardboard appeared to be back in June and

the serious business that prompted Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus VR in February. As virtual reality

matures, is Cardboard prepared to mature with it?

Source Fastcompany, read more here

GLOBAL News Partners

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: PARTNERS, Sin categoría / -

SINGAPORE “6th Business Excellence Conference on Productivity, Innovation and Growth with Enric Segarra

Our colleague Enric was honored to have been invited as one of the keynote speakers by the Singapore Government to the 6th Business Excellence Global Conference held in Singapore 29-30 Oct. on Productivity, Innovation and Growth (a conference that brings together leaders from Business Excellence Award winners, administrators of leading national and regional business excellence frameworks, and subject experts around the globe to share their knowledge and experiences), to give the master class entitled Unleashing Creativity and Innovation in the workplace” the objective of which wasto shed light on the root causes that explain why despite creativity and innovation are common traits of successful organizations, and are therefore desirable almost no one is truly satisfied with the results gotten and how to revert that so companies make of that duo a driving competence. Once innovation was defined as a self-propagating “highly contagious” meme to be promoted from the rank-and-file right to the top levels, the talk provided a bunch of helpful hints and many other practical exercises that provided attendees with key insights to make innovation flourish in their organizations and do not leave it in the laps of Gods. In this respect the user-centered innovation approach and the design thinking methodology that supports it were strongly recommended as a way to ensure measurable improvements.


More on the Design Thinking methodology, the challenges and obstacles on adopting it and how to promote a culture that foster DT adoption can be found below in the interviews given to The Business Times Newspaper and the magazine Good to Go.

For a full view of the article, click here



Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: PARTNERS / -

Michael (Custom)

Creativity On Demand: How to Ignite and Sustain the Fire of Genius, 2 Jan 2015 ESLEN USA

Offered by best selling author, Michael Gelb, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA,

Qigong for Health, Creativity and Empowerment  JANUARY 4-9
Offered by Michael Gelb and Dr Roger Jahnke, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA,
Create like da Vinci, Innovate like Edison

With Mr. Michael Gelb, 15TH APRIL
LOS ANGELES, USA, Institute for Management Studies


Creative energy is our ultimate resource. Throughout history, geniuses such as Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, and others, had an intuitive understanding of how to connect with and utilize this energy. Based on Michael Gelb’s new book, Creativity On Demand: How to Ignite and Sustain the Fire of Genius, this program guides you to access, cultivate, store, and express creative energy. Through meditation, “Qi for Creativity,” and other exercises, you can experience a dramatic empowerment. Gelb has worked with many of the world’s leading masters of qigong, yoga, and aikido, and has asked them each to contribute their single most powerful practice that the average person can do to raise his or her baseline of creative energy. Gelb has combined these practical energy cultivation exercises with more than thirty-five years of experience teaching the creative process. The result is a unique, energizing, and transformational program. Join Gelb for this opportunity to master the art of creative thinking. He will guide you in an exploration of your mind’s potential that is entertaining and illuminating.

Read more here for Michael´s workshops Jan – April 2015: GELB workshoP


Roel (Custom)KIM

Journal of the Future, AMSTERDAM, February 7-8, 2015
Offered by: Roel Simons and Kimberly Hunn


Journal of the Future, CREATED by FilmMAKER Roel Simmons, is a multi media tool to generate possible scenarios for a desired future. It is a powerful visual way to create vision, align teams, and identify business partners and pitch innovative products and services to stakeholders and potential investors. Participants envision their desired future and visualize the outcome of  their strategy or business plan in a video news item, several years from now. Looking back from the future, they come to grips with the often surprising ways to get there.

Read more here for the exclusive Journal of the Future workhsop: Journal of the future Workshop


Curso Taller de Linkedin

Jaime Izquierdo – Competencias 2.0

Jueves, 22 de enero de 2015 desde las 09:00 hasta las 18:30

(Hora estándar de Europa central Hora de España (Madrid))

Palma, Spain

Estar por estar” en Linkedin no sirve de mucho…

Orienta tu presencia hacia tus objetivos profesionales, conecta con las personas adecuadas y sé efectivo.

Mejora tu perfil y tu contribución con una metodología que ya ha ayudado a centenares de profesionales a mejorar sus resultados.



TESTIMONIALS de Bono Thinking Systems Training

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: Sin categoría / -

Loreto Laguna, Coach

¿Cuál ha sido su experiencia de la formación? La experiencia ha sido óptima y productiva.  Tenía muchas ganas de poner en práctica mucho de lo leído por mi cuenta y los ejercicios y la dinámica me han parecido muy potentes.

¿Cuál ha sido el valor añadido?  El cambio de paradigma sobre creatividad y sus amplias posiblidades en todos los sectores, pudiendo ser capaz de fijarme más en el proceso que en el resultado, y querer seguir investigando y practicando más sobre ello.

¿Cómo te ha servido a posteriori?  Lo he aplicado en mi trabajo de Coaching Estratégico y los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios para el cliente.  Me ha servido personalmente para seguir practicando ejercicios y ser consciente de lo rico que puede ser.

¿Qué destacarías de la formación? Eficiente, cercana, natural, divertida, práctica.

Madrid, 2014


Six Hat Certification, Madrid, Spain 8 – 11 April 2015

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: Convocatories / -

“Las sociedades que tendrán éxito en el futuro son aquellas que ya han entrado en el proceso de cambiar su manera de pensar. La creatividad es imprescindible para liberar el autentico  potencial de la gente y las organizaciones”, Edward de Bono

Certificación en los Seis Sombreros con Master Trainer, Donna Pace


logocertified (Custom)

  Duración de la Formación

  El Curso de Formación de Formadores tiene una duración típica de 4 días. Los primeros dos días    los candidatos acuden a la formación para asistentes de 12 horas lectivas. Dicha formación les    servirá para (i) aprender la técnica, (ii) observar los comentarios de los demás participantes, (iii)  tomar nota de las actividades y ejercicios que se realizan en clase y (iv) obtener un modelo de  cómo enseñar los Sombreros. Los dos días posteriores se imparten en régimen ―Closed (a  puerta  cerrada y exclusivos para los Formadores aspirantes).

  Una vez finalizado con éxito cualquiera de los Programas de Certificación de Bono Thinking  Systems, se les concederá a los nuevos formadores la acreditación y logo de “CERTIFIED  TRAINER” que les confiere el derecho a impartir el contenido del curso, ya sea dentro de su  propia organización o fuera de ella. Los únicos profesionales autorizados a enseñar las destrezas de pensamiento del Dr. de Bono, usando los manuales oficiales, son los Formadores Acreditados en la web internacional de dBTS, así como los que aparecen en esta misma página de la Distribuidora Autorizada para España, Malta y Portugal

Nota especial: El curso de Certificación dBTS está específicamente dirigido a profesionales con talento que ya disponen de amplia experiencia en formación y poseen habilidades para hablar en público dentro del ámbito de corporaciones/organizaciones y/o en el mundo de la educación. El objetivo de nuestra formación es enseñar a impartir la metodología, y aunque no nos dediquemos específicamente a la mejora de habilidades de enseñanza en general, sí que damos muchos consejos útiles sobre cómo presentarles mejor las técnicas a los participantes.

Donna Pace, es Master Trainer y Distribuidora para de Bono Thinking Systems. Es miembro del reducido grupo de Master Trainers en el mundo, es  la mayor referencia en sus territorios del conocimiento y practica de las herramientas Edward de Bono. Fue, es y será siempre su maestro y mentor.


Seis Sombreros en abierto, Salamanca 30-31/01/15

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: Convocatories / -
Taller 6 sombreros para Pensar en abierto, en Salamanca 30-31 enero 2015 ” La necesidad de tener razón todo el tiempo es el mayor impedimento para nuevas ideas” Edward de BonoIMG-20141216-WA0000. Contacte con nosotros para reservar plazas.