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Posted by / 4 October, 2017 / Categories: Sin categoría / -






Donna Pace is a member of   our global certified  instructor team.  She obtained certification in Orlando, Florida.

FourSight Certified LogoFourSight is a premier provider of innovation resources that helps people think differently and work better together to drive results.  The company is dedicated to the science of good thinking. Our work increases individual and collective ability to innovate and stay competitive in a global marketplace. We do this by providing a range of resources, training, consultancy and coaching that help people solve problems and collaborate more effectively.

We focus on the PEOPLE SIDE of innovation, building the mind set, the tool set and skill set for good thinking that leads to increased creativity, better decisions, and innovation that unleashes hardcore results.

Our goal is to improve your business by expandind your capacity to innovate. We help you by liberating your good ideas so they can fly. We help  build micro-climates and creative cultures that can be transformative. We consider ourselves different at heart, because more than consultants, we are teachers. We love to learn which is why we love to teach, and continue learning in the process. It is not our knowledge that comes out trumps every time, more than that, its our experience. As Einstein said ” The only Source of Knowledge is Experience”, that is our source. Or rather, “resource”.  It is always our manifest desire that you will be able to perpetuate your own innovation, long after we are gone. We just act as catalysts to your Ali Baba cave of intellectual capital.

FOURSIGHT CLIENTS Aegon • Alberto Culver • AllState Insurance • American Express • AT&T • Avon • BBC • Blue Cross Blue Shield • BNP Paribas • Boeing • Bristol-Myers Squibb • Cadbury Schweppes • Campbell’s • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation • Canadian Management Centre • Center for Creative Leadership • CHANEL • Clorox • Coca-Cola • Deloitte • Disney • DuPont • Emory University • Environment Canada • ExxonMobile • Fiat • Fisher Price • Foote Cone & Belding • Ford • General Motors • Google • Guestlogix • Harvard • Health Canada • Hollister • HP • IBM • IIT Institute of Design • Invesco • Intel • Kimberly-Clark • Kellogg • KPMG • Kraft Foods • Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of the Sciences • Johnson & Johnson • Leo Burnett • L’Oreal • Mars • McCormick and Company • MeadWestvaco • Medtronic • MIT • Monsanto • Motts • Nabisco • National Bank of Kuwait • National Science Foundation • Nestle • Next Institute • Nike • Nutrisweet • Orange & Mather • BNP Paribas • Pepperidge Farms • Perdue • Pfizer • Polaroid • Pratt Institute • Prudential • Raytheon • Rich Products • Robinson Community Learning Center • Royal Mail • S.C. Johnson • Saab • Samsung • Sherritt • Stanford • Staples • Starbucks • Syngenta • Takeda • TE Connectivity • Tyson Foods Inc. • United Nations • US Bank • Vodafone • Waterlution • Xerox • Yum! Brands



More background on Foursight from Donna Pace, FS Profile EARLY BIRD


Edward de Bono in Bilbao ICOT 2015

Posted by / 19 August, 2015 / Categories: General, Sin categoría / -


 ICOT session in Bilbao on 2nd July.  The day started with a conversational format between David Perkins and Edward at the Palacio Euskalduna, to a packed house. Edward was awarded a Basque Txapela. He already has a Blue one, given to him in 2007 at the Guggenheim last time he was in the capital of Vizcaya. Mine is Green!The second session was with me, where the title of our Q&A was “Update and Upgrade to 2st Century Thinking”. My lead questions where directed towards the less mainstream parts of Edward´s work, viz. the dichotomy of RIGHT vs WRONG, the Arrogance of Intelligence, and the errors of Perception. The books that inspired those questions were: “Letters to Thinkers”, “I am Right you are Wrong”, and “New Thinking for the New Millenium”.

Here is the link to our Google+ 

Articulo prensa: El Mundo 

Articulo prensa: El

Articulo prensa:

Tuvimos la oportunidad de ofrecer una breve introducción al uso y aplicacion de los Seis Sombreros en el Palacio Euskalduna en el “Thinking Txoco“. Con Edward como invitado de honor, co-presentado con nuestro equipo, trainers certificados de Madrid, Valladolid, Salamanca y Bilbao. Ellos son: Loreto Laguna (Directora de Cocnede Coaching), Jose Antonio Molina (Director EINMMCOACHING Creatividad e Innovación para el desarrollo Humano) Montse Hidalgo (Speaker y Trainer Internacional. Socia Fundadora de la Universidad de la Felicidad en España), Jon Egia (Co fundador de Burning Games Ltd), y Ines Gallego (Subdirectora de Innovación y Calidad. OSI Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Cruces – Hospital Universitario Cruces (Osakidetza).

Here is the link to more pictures.


From left: Ines Gallego, Loreto Laguna, Jon Egia, Montse Hidalgo and Jose Antonio Molina

Talking about thinking, this tells the story as it is: 90% of the world population does NOT know how to think. Press interview with Robert Swartz

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And finally, in homage to Edward de Bono, the person whose work we proudly represent, we held a private event hosted by DBTS at the Vizcaya Agency for Innovation, Beaz . We surprised Edward and guests alike with the presence of a traditional Basque story teller, who speaks and sings in verse (in Euskera of course) called a Bertsolari. The challenge was to get the ball rolling with a RANDOM WORD, chosen by Edward. Antonn Irusta, teacher and voactional story teller delighted us all with his strong communication skills. Eskerrik asko!

Fue una alegría muy grande para mi, poder compartir este espacio con parte del equipo DBTS en España – Loreto, Ines, Jon, Jose Antonio y Montse GRACIAS a BIG THANK YOU. A todos vosotros TXAPELURDINS : de los hospitales de CRUCES & GALDAKANO;  de la mejor FP en Europa, el equipo creativo de Euskadi (locos por la FP, si señor!), a todos  nuestros invitados, a Antton el BERSOLARI, to all the wonderful guests and friends who joined us, to you EDWARD for coming back to Bilbao, 8 years on. Last time,  you delivered your keynote at the Guggenheim.  To Amanda Mobbs, to  each and everyone of you; A great big ESKARRISKASKO!

Aqui va el articulo de prensa correspondiente al evento

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Biblioteca de Bono por Planeta Libros en Español

Posted by / 12 April, 2015 / Categories: Sin categoría / -


Biblioteca Edward De Bono

Pincha aqui para ver la lista completa.

Próximamente – COMING SOON –  El Pensamiento Lateral Practico 


El maestro del pensamiento creativo,  19.50 €

Edward de Bono, el creador del pensamiento lateral, se propone en esta obra describir dicho proceso mental. Para ello se sirve del enfoque lateral y, mediante fascinantes ejemplos visuales, esboza la naturaleza del pensamiento lateral.

El pensamiento lateral es un modo de razonamiento imaginativo y anárquico, en el cual a menudo se dan ideas nuevas, que además pueden ser sencillas, sólidas y efectivas. Contrasta, por tanto, con el pensamiento vertical: lógico, ortodoxo y falto de creatividad.

| Publicación: 4 Junio 2015

Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2015

Posted by / 7 January, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS, Sin categoría / -

Our colleagues at SPRINGWISE have  selected 10 new business ideas that will provide entrepreneurs with

plenty of inspiration in 2015. Spotted from countries all around the world, these businesses offer a taste of what’s

to come in the year ahead.



We hope that you’ll find these concepts as inspiring as we do, and that they spark even more innovation in the year to come!

GLOBAL News Partners

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: PARTNERS, Sin categoría / -

SINGAPORE “6th Business Excellence Conference on Productivity, Innovation and Growth with Enric Segarra

Our colleague Enric was honored to have been invited as one of the keynote speakers by the Singapore Government to the 6th Business Excellence Global Conference held in Singapore 29-30 Oct. on Productivity, Innovation and Growth (a conference that brings together leaders from Business Excellence Award winners, administrators of leading national and regional business excellence frameworks, and subject experts around the globe to share their knowledge and experiences), to give the master class entitled Unleashing Creativity and Innovation in the workplace” the objective of which wasto shed light on the root causes that explain why despite creativity and innovation are common traits of successful organizations, and are therefore desirable almost no one is truly satisfied with the results gotten and how to revert that so companies make of that duo a driving competence. Once innovation was defined as a self-propagating “highly contagious” meme to be promoted from the rank-and-file right to the top levels, the talk provided a bunch of helpful hints and many other practical exercises that provided attendees with key insights to make innovation flourish in their organizations and do not leave it in the laps of Gods. In this respect the user-centered innovation approach and the design thinking methodology that supports it were strongly recommended as a way to ensure measurable improvements.


More on the Design Thinking methodology, the challenges and obstacles on adopting it and how to promote a culture that foster DT adoption can be found below in the interviews given to The Business Times Newspaper and the magazine Good to Go.

For a full view of the article, click here


TESTIMONIALS de Bono Thinking Systems Training

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: Sin categoría / -

Loreto Laguna, Coach

¿Cuál ha sido su experiencia de la formación? La experiencia ha sido óptima y productiva.  Tenía muchas ganas de poner en práctica mucho de lo leído por mi cuenta y los ejercicios y la dinámica me han parecido muy potentes.

¿Cuál ha sido el valor añadido?  El cambio de paradigma sobre creatividad y sus amplias posiblidades en todos los sectores, pudiendo ser capaz de fijarme más en el proceso que en el resultado, y querer seguir investigando y practicando más sobre ello.

¿Cómo te ha servido a posteriori?  Lo he aplicado en mi trabajo de Coaching Estratégico y los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios para el cliente.  Me ha servido personalmente para seguir practicando ejercicios y ser consciente de lo rico que puede ser.

¿Qué destacarías de la formación? Eficiente, cercana, natural, divertida, práctica.

Madrid, 2014


JFK today, stand up and be counted

Posted by / 3 October, 2014 / Categories: Sin categoría / -

Reading John F. Kennedy and some of his quotes, here is one that is so relevant to today, its ominous:-
” Never Before has Man, had Such a Capacity to control his own environment, to end thirst and hunger, to conquer poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy and massive human misery….We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world, or make it our last”.

JFK was murdered, like so many others that had something relevant and challenging to say.  Those  who are still bringing misery of spirit, are humanly impoverished, and emotionally illiterate will keep fighting to their dying breath to ensure that the “power to make this the best generation of human kind”  does NOT occur.

Borrowing from Emma´s Watson´s speech at the UN in NY:


How many of us are prepared to stand up and be counted? To make this the BEST GENERATION of human history.

I AM. Are you?

Donna Pace, 3 Oct 2014

To download click here: JFK TODAY

‘En 2030 podremos conectar el cerebro a otro exterior que lo hará más potente’

Posted by / 25 September, 2014 / Categories: Sin categoría / -

Raymond Kurzweil es un inventor estadounidense, además de músico, empresario, escritor y científico especializado en Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. Desde 2012 es director de ingeniería en Google. 

Por todos los que me habéis oído hablando de el, aquí va una entrevista en le lengua de Cervantes, acerca de un libro suyo que suelo recomendar: HOW TO CREATE A MIND, ahora disponible en castellano.


Ray Kurzweil en el hotel Urban.

EL MUNDO QUE VIENE Entrevista a Ray Kurzweil en el diario EL MUNDO

Todo es superlativo en el currículum de Ray Kurzweil, entre cuyos inventos se encuentran el primer lector electrónico para ciegos, el sistema de reconocimiento de voz que dio origen a Siri y el primer escáner digital. Desde hace unos meses reside en este apartamento luminoso con vistas a la bahía de San Francisco y ejerce como ingeniero para Google por petición expresa de Larry Page. “Es la primera vez que trabajo para otra persona”, explica entre dientes. “Sólo lo hice porque me prometieron plena libertad”.

Kurzweil acaba de publicar en España ‘Cómo crear una mente’ (Lola Books, 2013). Una obra en la que expone su teoría del cerebro y explica cómo se podrían recrear sus entresijos con la ayuda de un ordenador. Sus palabras son una ventana a un futuro en el que se difuminarán las fronteras entre la vida y la muerte y nuestros cerebros serán más poderosos con la ayuda de un ordenador.

Leer más:

V.R o Realidad Virtual, is here, and it´s moving in.

Posted by / 23 September, 2014 / Categories: General, Sin categoría / -


Wall Street Journal reports: Des Moines Register Adds a Bit of Virtual Reality to News Report

Newspaper Incorporates Technology of Oculus VR, Computerized Game Platforms to Tell Story


Read more on the technology being produced by the firm:

Since the launch of the Oculus Kickstarter, we’ve been focused on building the best virtual reality platform. The original development kit was a strong starting point that showed the world a glimpse of presence, but its shortcomings prevented it from delivering great VR.

Almost exactly one year after shipping the original dev kit, we’re pleased to announce DK2, the second development kit for the Oculus Rift!

Master in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship – University of Malta

Posted by / 3 September, 2014 / Categories: Sin categoría / -

The University of Malta is offering this gem of a Masters Degree, starting October 2014.


The Master in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship is meant to impart knowledge to Science, Technology, Engineering and Media graduates, allowing them to become successful entrepreneurs and launch their own successful business ventures, and convince financiers and financial entities to finance their ventures. Following an introduction to entrepreneurship the students will cover topics in Creativity, Innovation, Marketing, Strategy, Business Planning, Finance, Risk Management and Performance Management, all focusing on the requirements of entrepreneurs.

This course will also be useful to intrapreneurs working within their own organisations, and to professionals who provide services to entrepreneurs on a day-to-day basis.

The course follows a highly pragmatic, hands-on approach, culminating in two business and operational planning exercises which allow participants to build their own plans that can be taken to the market for financing.

The course will be delivered as an intensive training program, with most of the face-to-face tuition delivered over four intensive weeks distributed equally throughout the first two semesters. Thus, even persons in employment would be able to follow the course.

Another innovative feature of the course is that students may follow the programme over a period of five years and still be eligible for the award of the degree, provided they are successful in all components of the programme.