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Edward de Bono in Bilbao ICOT 2015

Posted by / 19 August, 2015 / Categories: General, Sin categoría / -


 ICOT session in Bilbao on 2nd July.  The day started with a conversational format between David Perkins and Edward at the Palacio Euskalduna, to a packed house. Edward was awarded a Basque Txapela. He already has a Blue one, given to him in 2007 at the Guggenheim last time he was in the capital of Vizcaya. Mine is Green!The second session was with me, where the title of our Q&A was “Update and Upgrade to 2st Century Thinking”. My lead questions where directed towards the less mainstream parts of Edward´s work, viz. the dichotomy of RIGHT vs WRONG, the Arrogance of Intelligence, and the errors of Perception. The books that inspired those questions were: “Letters to Thinkers”, “I am Right you are Wrong”, and “New Thinking for the New Millenium”.

Here is the link to our Google+ 

Articulo prensa: El Mundo 

Articulo prensa: El

Articulo prensa:

Tuvimos la oportunidad de ofrecer una breve introducción al uso y aplicacion de los Seis Sombreros en el Palacio Euskalduna en el “Thinking Txoco“. Con Edward como invitado de honor, co-presentado con nuestro equipo, trainers certificados de Madrid, Valladolid, Salamanca y Bilbao. Ellos son: Loreto Laguna (Directora de Cocnede Coaching), Jose Antonio Molina (Director EINMMCOACHING Creatividad e Innovación para el desarrollo Humano) Montse Hidalgo (Speaker y Trainer Internacional. Socia Fundadora de la Universidad de la Felicidad en España), Jon Egia (Co fundador de Burning Games Ltd), y Ines Gallego (Subdirectora de Innovación y Calidad. OSI Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Cruces – Hospital Universitario Cruces (Osakidetza).

Here is the link to more pictures.


From left: Ines Gallego, Loreto Laguna, Jon Egia, Montse Hidalgo and Jose Antonio Molina

Talking about thinking, this tells the story as it is: 90% of the world population does NOT know how to think. Press interview with Robert Swartz

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And finally, in homage to Edward de Bono, the person whose work we proudly represent, we held a private event hosted by DBTS at the Vizcaya Agency for Innovation, Beaz . We surprised Edward and guests alike with the presence of a traditional Basque story teller, who speaks and sings in verse (in Euskera of course) called a Bertsolari. The challenge was to get the ball rolling with a RANDOM WORD, chosen by Edward. Antonn Irusta, teacher and voactional story teller delighted us all with his strong communication skills. Eskerrik asko!

Fue una alegría muy grande para mi, poder compartir este espacio con parte del equipo DBTS en España – Loreto, Ines, Jon, Jose Antonio y Montse GRACIAS a BIG THANK YOU. A todos vosotros TXAPELURDINS : de los hospitales de CRUCES & GALDAKANO;  de la mejor FP en Europa, el equipo creativo de Euskadi (locos por la FP, si señor!), a todos  nuestros invitados, a Antton el BERSOLARI, to all the wonderful guests and friends who joined us, to you EDWARD for coming back to Bilbao, 8 years on. Last time,  you delivered your keynote at the Guggenheim.  To Amanda Mobbs, to  each and everyone of you; A great big ESKARRISKASKO!

Aqui va el articulo de prensa correspondiente al evento

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Biblioteca de Bono por Planeta Libros en Español

Posted by / 12 April, 2015 / Categories: Sin categoría / -


Biblioteca Edward De Bono

Pincha aqui para ver la lista completa.

Próximamente – COMING SOON –  El Pensamiento Lateral Practico 


El maestro del pensamiento creativo,  19.50 €

Edward de Bono, el creador del pensamiento lateral, se propone en esta obra describir dicho proceso mental. Para ello se sirve del enfoque lateral y, mediante fascinantes ejemplos visuales, esboza la naturaleza del pensamiento lateral.

El pensamiento lateral es un modo de razonamiento imaginativo y anárquico, en el cual a menudo se dan ideas nuevas, que además pueden ser sencillas, sólidas y efectivas. Contrasta, por tanto, con el pensamiento vertical: lógico, ortodoxo y falto de creatividad.

| Publicación: 4 Junio 2015

Pensamiento Lateral en abierto 11 – 14/05

Posted by / 6 April, 2015 / Categories: Convocatories / -


Después del primer eslabón de los Seis Sombreros, necesario para poder subir de clase…ahora si,  llega el  objeto de deseo de Bono : LATERAL THINKING. Welcome back a todos nuestros Blue Hats!

Coming Soon! Extra, Extra! CONVOCATORIAS

Posted by / 4 March, 2015 / Categories: Convocatories / -

imagen de texto TestimonialschinitaDesign thinking2 logos

“If you haven’t heard of Edward de Bono or of Lateral Thinking, perhaps you have been too busy thinking in conventional ways.” - Forbes Magazine

“You can do no better than to attend a de Bono seminar.” – Tom Peters


Especialistas en Liderazgo, Innovación & Creatividad Estratégica, somos los Authorised Distributors de la organización internacional con sede en los EE.UU de Bono Thinking Systems (dBTS)

bandera_inglesaSpecialists in Leadership, Innovation and Creative Strategy, we are the Authorised Distributors of the only recognised  international training body in the Edward de Bono techniques, de Bono Thinking Systems,  with headquarters in USA. Interested in becoming a Certified Trainer?

 Coming up soon:


Para Quien es Apto y que se Lleva : Pincha Aqui Coming Soon APRIL MAY


 hats_full (Custom) (2)lateral_short_cover (Custom) (2)six_value_cover

SEIS SOMBREROS PARA PENSAR, 8 – 11 Abril,  Trainer Certification con Master Trainer Donna Pace, Madrid 6 SOMBREROS

Extra Extra April Hats


PARA PENSAR 27 – 28 Marzo , con José Antonio Molina,  Salamanca, España

SEIS SOMBREROS PARA PENSAR, 18 – 19 Abril con José Antonio Molina,  Bolivia

PENSAMIENTO LATERAL 11 – 14  May Trainer Certification con Master Trainer Donna Pace, Salamanca &

Watch videos here: CLICK 1, CLICK 2 Intro Serious Creativity Donna , CLICK 3 Interview Adela Gonzalez 

¿Para quien es apto ?


  • Líderes del siglo 21

  • Consultores individuales y corporativos

  • Estrategas y Consejeros de alto nivel

  • Educadores

  • Directores de la Administración Pública

  • Directores de la Comisiones Europeas o Internacionales

  • Miembros de alto nivel del Cuerpo Diplomático

  • Emprendedores

Radical wisdom for a company, a school, a life – Ricardo Semler, Brazil

Posted by / 27 February, 2015 / Categories: General / -

Se artice here: HARVARD REVIEW

An old article from Harvard Review, with some outdated facts but very dated concepts in terms of taking a leap of fate into managing without control. Very much in keeping with the 21st Business Leadership model, which includes i) Intrinsic compensation over extrinsic, ii) Collective Wisdom, iii) Obliquity.

See his Tedex Talk here:

Ricardo Semler: Radical wisdom for a company, a school, a life

Publicado el 10 de feb. de 2015

What if your job didn’t control your life? Brazilian CEO Ricardo Semler practices a radical form of corporate democracy, rethinking everything from board meetings to how workers report their vacation days (they don’t have to). It’s a vision that rewards the wisdom of workers, promotes work-life balance — and leads to some deep insight on what work, and life, is really all about. Bonus question: What if schools were like this too?


Posted by / 26 February, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS / -
Springwise | New business ideas for entrepreneurial minds


App matches consumers with businesses that hold the same values

Glia enables consumers to discover the values of local businesses — empowering them to spend their dollars at places that are compatible with their own beliefs.

Faced with so much choice, consumers are increasingly looking to associate themselves with brands that maintain ethical practices. We have already seen platforms such as Slavery Footprint and aVOID, which help consumers stay away from products associated with forced or child labour. Now, the new Glia app is taking into account a consumer’s full range of social, political and economic values — enabling them to differentiate between the businesses that support those beliefs and those which work against them.

Read more:



Platform lets patients contribute to their own medical records

OurNotes, part of the OpenNotes initiative, will enable patients to access and contribute to their own electronic medical records.

Those with complex medical conditions often rely heavily on their own ability to communicate their symptoms in short — and sometimes stressful — healthcare visits. We have recently seen, a smartphone app which uses big data to improve communication between patients and clinicians in between visits, and nowOurNotes is a Commonwealth grant funded program that will enable patients to contribute to their own electronic medical records.

Read more: Continue reading →

“Value” has different interpretations

Posted by / 17 January, 2015 / Categories: Quotes / -

Einstein Value

Top 10 business ideas & opportunities for 2015

Posted by / 7 January, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS, Sin categoría / -

Our colleagues at SPRINGWISE have  selected 10 new business ideas that will provide entrepreneurs with

plenty of inspiration in 2015. Spotted from countries all around the world, these businesses offer a taste of what’s

to come in the year ahead.



We hope that you’ll find these concepts as inspiring as we do, and that they spark even more innovation in the year to come!

Google Virtual CellPhone Reality

Posted by / 7 January, 2015 / Categories: ideas IDEAS i.d ID iDENTIFYING IDEAS / -



Google Cardboard has come a long way since Android honcho Sundar Pichaiintroduced it with a sheepish grin six

months ago. The smartphone virtual reality viewer, made from folded-up cardboard with a pair of attached lenses—

you supply an Android phone to provide computing power and a display—has shipped more than 500,000 units as

of early December. (You can build your own Cardboard, or buy a ready-made version from not-quite-official

sources for under $30.) Google has now added a Play Store showcase for the best Cardboard apps, and released a

software development kit to spur even more VR app creation.


For a project that took mere weeks to throw together, Cardboard has done surprisingly well. But its success also puts

it in an awkward position, somewhere between the oddball project that Cardboard appeared to be back in June and

the serious business that prompted Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus VR in February. As virtual reality

matures, is Cardboard prepared to mature with it?

Source Fastcompany, read more here

GLOBAL News Partners

Posted by / 3 January, 2015 / Categories: PARTNERS, Sin categoría / -

SINGAPORE “6th Business Excellence Conference on Productivity, Innovation and Growth with Enric Segarra

Our colleague Enric was honored to have been invited as one of the keynote speakers by the Singapore Government to the 6th Business Excellence Global Conference held in Singapore 29-30 Oct. on Productivity, Innovation and Growth (a conference that brings together leaders from Business Excellence Award winners, administrators of leading national and regional business excellence frameworks, and subject experts around the globe to share their knowledge and experiences), to give the master class entitled Unleashing Creativity and Innovation in the workplace” the objective of which wasto shed light on the root causes that explain why despite creativity and innovation are common traits of successful organizations, and are therefore desirable almost no one is truly satisfied with the results gotten and how to revert that so companies make of that duo a driving competence. Once innovation was defined as a self-propagating “highly contagious” meme to be promoted from the rank-and-file right to the top levels, the talk provided a bunch of helpful hints and many other practical exercises that provided attendees with key insights to make innovation flourish in their organizations and do not leave it in the laps of Gods. In this respect the user-centered innovation approach and the design thinking methodology that supports it were strongly recommended as a way to ensure measurable improvements.


More on the Design Thinking methodology, the challenges and obstacles on adopting it and how to promote a culture that foster DT adoption can be found below in the interviews given to The Business Times Newspaper and the magazine Good to Go.

For a full view of the article, click here