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Articulo prensa: El Mundo
Articulo prensa: El Diario.es
Articulo prensa: Deia.com
Tuvimos la oportunidad de ofrecer una breve introducción al uso y aplicacion de los Seis Sombreros en el Palacio Euskalduna en el “Thinking Txoco“. Con Edward como invitado de honor, co-presentado con nuestro equipo, trainers certificados de Madrid, Valladolid, Salamanca y Bilbao. Ellos son: Loreto Laguna (Directora de Cocnede Coaching), Jose Antonio Molina (Director EINMMCOACHING Creatividad e Innovación para el desarrollo Humano) Montse Hidalgo (Speaker y Trainer Internacional. Socia Fundadora de la Universidad de la Felicidad en España), Jon Egia (Co fundador de Burning Games Ltd), y Ines Gallego (Subdirectora de Innovación y Calidad. OSI Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Cruces – Hospital Universitario Cruces (Osakidetza).
Here is the link to more pictures.
From left: Ines Gallego, Loreto Laguna, Jon Egia, Montse Hidalgo and Jose Antonio Molina
Talking about thinking, this tells the story as it is: 90% of the world population does NOT know how to think. Press interview with Robert Swartz
And finally, in homage to Edward de Bono, the person whose work we proudly represent, we held a private event hosted by DBTS at the Vizcaya Agency for Innovation, Beaz . We surprised Edward and guests alike with the presence of a traditional Basque story teller, who speaks and sings in verse (in Euskera of course) called a Bertsolari. The challenge was to get the ball rolling with a RANDOM WORD, chosen by Edward. Antonn Irusta, teacher and voactional story teller delighted us all with his strong communication skills. Eskerrik asko!
Aqui va el articulo de prensa correspondiente al evento
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